Natural Alternatives for Treating Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is a wondrous time of celebration and joy. We revel in our pregnant glow and watch as our bellies gently stretch and swell. For many of us, this is a time of unparalleled happiness and giddy expectations. And then it rears its ugly head—the dreaded morning...

Handmade Holidays

More Recycled Toys, Less Conspicuous Consumption This year, I decided to buy as little as possible for the holidays and to instead make as many of my son’s presents as possible using as much already purchased or recycled material as possible. If you’re...

Physical Proof of Acupuncture Channels

Special Dyes and Magnetic Nanotechnology Visualize the Meridians Studies have shown for years now that acupuncture points conduct light, electricity, and sound better than the rest of the body, but no one could find visible proof of how or why. Until 7 years...