First Acupuncture Visit $50 Till June 30th!

Take Advantage of this New Patient Summer Special! Need a tune-up? New or ongoing pain or illness? Pay cash or check and receive your first acupuncture treatment for nearly 1/2 price ($40 savings!). Want to use your insurance? I am a preferred provider with most...

Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis

Keeping You on Your Feet People who use their feet a lot are at risk of developing plantar fasciitis, a painful condition wherein the fascial tissue of the underside of the foot becomes inflamed and loses elasticity. It is seen often in athletes and those with...

Acupuncture in the Wall St Journal

Modern Western Validation of an Ancient Eastern Art The Wall St Journal published a short article on acupuncture about a month ago. The article cites a fair number of studies, most of which support the validity of acupuncture through Western eyes, namely by using...

Not now dear…

Quick & Simple Home Headache Solutions Many people have heard of using acupressure on the muscle located between the thumb and index finger to treat headaches. This point is known as Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) or Hegu (Chinese for “Joining Valley,”...